Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 77

volume Number : 15
number In Volume : 7
issue Number : 77

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 15، number In Volume 7، ، issue Number 77

Application of Jill Deleuze's minority literature approach to Mahmoud Dolatabadi's novel "Jai Khali Salouch"

Maryam Ghorbanali , Ashraf Chegini (Author in Charge), Mohammad Ali Shafaei


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Minority literature in the contemporary world has attracted much attention. Jill Deleuze, the theorist of this idea in the last century, has attracted many characters in sciences such as philosophy, literature, psychology and linguistics with his minority literature. After an in-depth study of Marx and Freud"s views along with Nietzsche"s views, he turned to writing works and proposing theories that influenced the views of critics and writers on literature and sociology. The design of minority literature by him and his friend Guitar created a revolution in the views and attitudes of the people of art and literature. Deleuze is one of the greatest contemporary philosophers and one of the thinkers who has studied significant minority literature. "Minority" is, in fact, the overcoming of the constraints that have gripped literature and invites us to think in new and different ways in order to eliminate and transform conventional realms through demilitarization. The meaning of becoming or becoming is the passages in which a concept, even a language, is transformed. "Becoming" plays a central role in Deleuze"s view. The purpose of this research is to investigate and recognize this theory in the novel "Vacancy of Salouch".

METHODOLOGY: This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method. The study area and society is Mahmoud Dolatabadi"s novel The Void of Salouch.

FINDINGS: Characters, actions and reactions and their reactions, especially in "Morgan", which has a polar character in the novel, were examined from the beginning to the end of the story with tools such as desire, becoming, negation and reactivation, and it became clear how both he and the story Leads to minority literature. All these actions are described in this article.

CONCLUSION: Salouch"s vacancy is one of the stories that can be studied in minority literature and this work can be introduced to the audience in the position of a great work with minority components.

Gilles Deleuze , Mahmoud Dolatabadi , Salouch vacancy , minority literature , becoming , negation , rhizome

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